Saturday, August 29, 2009

the importance of digtial media?

what is digital media? is a medium in sense we using it here,is a system for communicating information from one human to antoher depends space or time,the means of medium is media,the hand written word,as television,and the Internet are all media.furthermore,digital media also refers to a new academic area which studies the tools and the content of computer mediated has media[dm] many things in common and,many overlapping interests with several existing academic disciplines,including as communication,computer arts,computer science,digital music,films and etc.the two keys experiences of a digital media eduction of at UCSF consist of becoming an expert in some specific area and then applying your expertise along aside student s and faculty with other skills.
what is it important???...
of course,for students,one very good reason is "they pay good money to folks who knows this stuff"it means quarrel with that motivating factor.however,we owe our grandchildren and our planet a debt that cannot be paid with money.i believe that humankind is entering the most dangerous period in history.
political system,economics,science are all struggling to understand where we"re headed. i am convinced that using logic alone,we will never solve the problems as fast as they arise.the human mind ,however,is much more than a logical thinking.

the arts and humanities are where logical and intuition be part of great solution to help humankind achieve a sustainable future absolutely requires that insight and wisdom that poets have,that dancers have,that musicians and artists have.

our strategy is to do project together as artists,humanists,technologists and"s not easy.we get on each other"s nerves.we sometimes fail and we sometimes get mad at one antoher.but we believe that the projects make us all wiser,and make our students into better people and better it happens,gite a lot of people and companies are willing to pays us to do projects and so it also helps the university do its jobs.

our digital media program concentrates its effort on providing interesting and useful projects,and on pairing up students with appropriate mentors from the faculty and industry.

if you find yourself working on these projects as a student,faculty member on industrial partner,please remember that more is at stake here than just making a good product.we have a planet to save and we aren"t nearly smart enough yet!..