Sunday, August 30, 2009


Politics is not only about the politicians keep talking about the votes or whatever related to it.It about major issues that happen in our surrounding,related to humanity and society.We can talk on every single matter such as increasing of price sugar and production sugar is getting less in our country,the voting in Permatang Pasir in Penang,and we also can talk about what government did to prevent the world 'silent killer',H1N1.It is interesting story to talk about.But now,what i would like to talk is the major politics issues that happen almost every single day,non-stop,and keep happening in our world.

Before i will start,firstly,do forgive me if you find this information offensive.It is pretty controversial but i have seen people here especially among my friends quite like to debate so thought i would like to post this topic and see what it takes you......

Homosexual is now a widespread topic for discussion among common people.It has become a very big part of today's society.Unfortunately,many families disown their own child just because they are homosexual.Most of this happen because they are afraid and do not have enough information.Sometimes one parent will be all right with their child's choice for being gay or lesbian while the other cannot accept it.

Being a homosexual is not easy way to go in today's society,it always comes with the hardships.Even it has been discussed and talked about almost everywhere we go,there is always discrimination.In the work place,school,restaurant,and so on.If we saw a gay or a lesbian couple hand in hand crossing the road,our thought could be sickening because we are one of the people who dislikes the idea of homosexuality.It seem that everyday is perfectly ordinary day to anyone else,could become a very large hassle and fear to a homosexual person.What some people just do not understand is that,at some point in most homosexual person lives,they are struggle with the idea of being different and the worst is,we do not even knew that.

For my opinion,i disagree,greatly,by hiding the homosexual influence society and saying that homosexual themselves should be hidden,and do not have the right to be in the open.I have friends that being a gay and a lesbian,and i totally accepted them with my open heart.What more can i say,they are my best friends and we have our activities lively like anyone would do in friendship.As for me,we do not have the right to judge them with our own view by discriminating them as not being a 'normal' or 'straight'.What people need to understand is,homosexual cannot be proven scientifically,it is merely a psychological phenomenon.

Anyways,i simply have a small wish.I wish that all of us will start to perceive people with love,instead of prejudice and discriminate.Let us believe that they are exactly the same human being as us.They breathe,they eat,they sleep,they feel,and they love like us.Of course,there might be differences.It could be.It could be sex.It could be religion.DO NOT HATE THEM,APPRECIATE THEM....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

the importance of digtial media?

what is digital media? is a medium in sense we using it here,is a system for communicating information from one human to antoher depends space or time,the means of medium is media,the hand written word,as television,and the Internet are all media.furthermore,digital media also refers to a new academic area which studies the tools and the content of computer mediated has media[dm] many things in common and,many overlapping interests with several existing academic disciplines,including as communication,computer arts,computer science,digital music,films and etc.the two keys experiences of a digital media eduction of at UCSF consist of becoming an expert in some specific area and then applying your expertise along aside student s and faculty with other skills.
what is it important???...
of course,for students,one very good reason is "they pay good money to folks who knows this stuff"it means quarrel with that motivating factor.however,we owe our grandchildren and our planet a debt that cannot be paid with money.i believe that humankind is entering the most dangerous period in history.
political system,economics,science are all struggling to understand where we"re headed. i am convinced that using logic alone,we will never solve the problems as fast as they arise.the human mind ,however,is much more than a logical thinking.

the arts and humanities are where logical and intuition be part of great solution to help humankind achieve a sustainable future absolutely requires that insight and wisdom that poets have,that dancers have,that musicians and artists have.

our strategy is to do project together as artists,humanists,technologists and"s not easy.we get on each other"s nerves.we sometimes fail and we sometimes get mad at one antoher.but we believe that the projects make us all wiser,and make our students into better people and better it happens,gite a lot of people and companies are willing to pays us to do projects and so it also helps the university do its jobs.

our digital media program concentrates its effort on providing interesting and useful projects,and on pairing up students with appropriate mentors from the faculty and industry.

if you find yourself working on these projects as a student,faculty member on industrial partner,please remember that more is at stake here than just making a good product.we have a planet to save and we aren"t nearly smart enough yet!..

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Communication is about transfering the information from the device such as television,cellphone,radio and internet.

In the other meanings,communication is the some of device that the most quietly important for us to manage our daily activities due to our schedule.It also give an important role to communicate with people that surround us.

For example,the divice for communicate is like face to face communication.As we can see,the body language 55% of impact is determined by body language, postures,gastures and eye contact.38% by the tone of voice.7% by the content or word.

In other example,Visual communication also can be considered as communication of digital ways.Such as television and video.It can give alot of information in transfer.

So, the outcomes for the communication is, we can do interpersonal, interpersonalprocessing,listening,observing,speaking,Questioning,Analysing and Evaluating.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Are Gothic a Gang?
you've seen them-before-in school ,mall,in the neighborhood,with starting white make up pitch black or purple hair,black lipstick,fingernails,eye make up .the youth in this area who consider themselves'GOTHS' certainly stand out in the around.

the Gothic looks is somewhere between a punk and vampire ,many a favour Victorian -style clothes,like that vampire lest ant,the hair is dyed ultra black,other simply may dress all in the black,particularly with boots and a lots of silver fewer .partially,at least the attire come from an avid fascination with a both death and undead(as vampire)

Gothic separate themselves into three group [this is incorrect ,there is not a separation in group although there may be general tendency for one of three she describes by individual people .goths are different wide variety people with different indecent,background].Some may be involved in witchery,satanism or pagan believes and are fascinated with death(witchcraft and paganism have nothing do with a fascination with death).Another group may likes to pretend as role plays as death the vampires,As with any youth trend,there are different level of involvement depending of the individual,while Gothic are pagan or Wicca(witchcraft religion).One young women interviewed is LDS religion is not necessary a factor in goths involvement.

What's with all the black(favourite Gothic response)??????

-it matches my soul

-my mom make me a dress this way

-i wear black because I'm hiding from them

-I matches my hair

-I died
-because everyday is Halloween
-I robbed a mime and black clothes are all he had

The Gothic test(to be humorous, an example of the many way Gothic poke fun of themselves it's meant to be taken seriously)

-have you ever drunk blood?
-have you worn plastic vampire teeth other than at Halloween
-are you a vampire?

-could you under pin a building with your foundation

-have you been to goth club?

-do you own a tarot deck?

They seems to be some association between the Gothic movement and drug. In Murray, most of the school suspension which occurred 1996 as a recruit of drug use for dealing by the local Gothic.


Defining an explicit ideology for Gothic subculture is difficult for several reasons. First the overwhelming importance of mood and aesthetic for those involved. This is, inspired by romanticism and neoromantism. The allure for goth of dark, mysterious, and morbid imagery and mood lies in the same tradition of Romanticism's Gothic novel. During the late 18th and 19th century, feeling of horror, supernatural dread were widespread motifs i popular literature; The process continues in modern horror film. Balancing this emphasis on mood and aesthetics, another central element of the Gothic is a deliberate sense of camp theatricality and self-dramatization; present both in Gothic literature as well as in Gothic subculture itself.

while involvement with the subculture can be subculture can be fulfilling, it also can be risky, especially for the young, because of the negative attention it can attract due to public misconceptions of goth subculture. The value that young people find in the movement is evidenced by its continuing existence after other subculture of the eighties(such as the New Romantics) have died out.