Friday, July 31, 2009


Demographic rate can be define as the study of human population,particularly with respect to births,marriages,deaths,employment,migration,health,etc.Today i will write a demographic rate title of Poverty.......

Definition of poverty
Poverty is the shortage of common thingssuch as food,clothing,shelter and safe drinking,all of which determine the quality of life.It may also include the lack of access to oportunities such as education and employment which aid the escape from poverty.There are four types of poverty,one of it are entrepreneurial poor- people living slightly below the poverty line of RM5 a day.They benefit from loans and additional job such as they pick up recycle things at the streets like papers,tins,and plastic.Self-employed poor-unfortunate people who meet their basics needs by running small business and cottge industries. Subsistencence or labouring poor-usually are farm labourers,domestic,and casual low-skill workers who often live on the brink of destitution.They do not have any a regular,stable source of income.They mostly people who having a small business like open a stall selling foods,fruits,or goodies.The last classification of poverty are Ultra poor-people who are few,if any,assests and very limited chance to earn money,often surviving by scavenging and begging.These people we called it begger,it happens all over the place even in develop city sch as Putrajaya or kuala lumpur.Why we still experiencing these scenario?From the economic point of view,there are four reasons.First reason is because of reccesion,major fluctuations in poverty rates over time driven by the business cycle.Economic inequality are the next reason,average income may be high,but the poverty rate also high if incomes are distributed unevenly.
Increase in petrol prices followed by food prices are one of the contributors for the cause of poverty.From the goverment point of view,there are three reason.One,

failure by governments to provide essential infrastructure.Two,poor access to affortable education.The last reason are,high levels corruption.For eviromental point of view,there are two perspective.First is climate change,most probably those who cannot withstand the weather will have prolem to face it like what happen in africa.Many people suffered due to hunger and thirst because lack of food sources.Another reason is natural disaster.It happen as their properties damaged duo to disasters like what happen in year 2004,26 disember.So for the conclusions,there are many more reasons cause of poverty,it depend on us how we look at the view.What i am trying to say is maybe poverty happen because of individual attitude.We have to be inovatif,progressive and competitive to overcome these problems which happens for ages.Do not always point the finger to the goverment and judge them criticly.Be open minded an opstimistic towards our vision achive our country for Wawasan 2020.