Sunday, October 11, 2009


Orator shall be not merely a skilled speaker, but the person who has the art of speaking; mean by the way the orator form a certain style through the word voice and arrangement bringing in humor and charm to attract the audience, deliver the speech with control-using gesture, playing and expressing with features, and changing the intonation of his voice. Anyone who can speak with knowledge upon a subject that he or she will talk about, can be called an orator but to be a great orator like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi, that is the question. How? To be a great orator that have the skills I have mention about, it might takes some time, even years.

The main purpose I’m here not to talk on how to be a great orator but the problem that faced by most of the orator, even the best orator; since this week most of my friends include me will have oral presentation, so I would like to focus on this topic-stage fright. I guess all of us place stage fright right on top of concern list. Actually what it does mean? Stage fright refers to a kind of anxiety where an individual is anxious to give speech in front of audience. It is not kind of diseases but a phenomenon that present among many people worldwide. People with this anxiety will not like to present themselves in public. They have extreme hatred for public appearance, rather die than go up to the stage and speak; this is what my lecturer said.

I used to have this problem before and still but now I’m able to control it by applying some special tips that I’ve been practice since I was in primary school. Now I will reveal my secret on how I faced my stage fright and hoping that it may help you in the future. First thing I do when I’m on stage or in front of the audience; I will imagine all of them are idiot or simple word-useless, it does help me and improve my performance and I recall, I was so confident on that moment. It might be sound weird but that is how I collect my whole confident and the result, amazing. Not to worry on how audiences judge you, think positive and be yourself. Sometimes we got wrapped up with the performance that we forgot what we want to achieve. Fear will come but think positive that you be able to push that feelings away as far as you could. Imagine that audience liking you and when the time comes, up you go, confidently take your place. Again, take time to bring yourself into line. Breathe, breathe, breathe and give the best shot you have.

So, that is the simple tips and it works for me. I may not the greatest orator in a world but I do have common to be in the line with them, self-confident. I believe that stage fright is something we can solve with, so do not feel upset if you too facing this problem.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mega City

Mega city are usually known as bigger city with population of more than million people per area.This include of how their life in some of mega cities due to the good condition of environtment that are mostly include of what there need in their life.Megacities can be distinguished from global cities by their rapid growth.

The word of "Megalopolis" also are the example of same meanings of Megacities.The largest megacities in world now is Tokyo of Japan.This becouse,the city in tokyo more modern and include in the city with population of 34,670,000.This value of counting can give a bombastic thinking of how big and crowded of that cities.This list of the thing that are the lead of urbanisation of some city and nation.

The megacities are judge not by the only see of their crowded of the city,but also judge by the economical process in the area.Their judge by how the economical process do and done by the people.In another,the standard of point of view also be look on how rapid the process of groth and born of people in an area.All countries are in the way of going to be the megacities.

As the result, all of this thing are mixed together to be a greates view of the world on how their oppinion to the some place to be the greatest Megacities of world.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Art is a uniquely and something boombasticcaly of doing the thing by uses of emotional.Art also is a process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions.The art can be diveded into to branch which is Traditional art and the oter is modern art.The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics.

Art is devided with many field which is in food,culture,draw or country activities even all activities that we're do at all day also including the art senses and emotions.So,do not lie with your self if u say u do not love with the art.

The example of art on drawing is how you created and elaborate the drawing by your self due to your senses and feeling of doing that.On the other meaning what message that can we proof due to the drawing.Some time,the person who are really in the world of art they try to draw a drawing that come from their heart feeling,the price of the drawing can reach on million dolar each.

In the other example of art is when you eat the 'Nasi Lemak'.This shown when how the way you eat the food.First you taste the rice first than take the 'sambal' eat with the rice then take the nuts with the anchorvies then mix it together.Feel the taste of it.So,this shown the art of eating the food.

In islam, we can see the art through the writing of the 'Al-quran', and the art of "Khat" writing.

Thats why the art has their pesonal estetically thinking.The values of the art sometimes cannot be judge by any person or people becouse the emotional and senses of the art are so beutiful to look and see even feel it


indigenous people is well known as the ethnic group which societies who inhabited any area or place which different cultures,traditional,the colour skin and others but some of history is conclude the indigenous people as come from the immigrants from other place have populated in the region.Not only that,the difference between 'indigenous people','ethnic groups' and 'minority group' is sometimes difficult to determine ,this is because almost of it have same means.
the characteristic of indigenous people can be divided by three namely the population,the cultures and common concerns.In the population,so there are many of the indigenous people in societies so, we have difficulty to determine how much the population exactly but some precise estimated for the people are difficulty to compare,identification,the variance and in adequacy of enable the data ,the source said estimate range from 300 millions to 350 million as the start of the 21 st century this means,around 6% of the total world population,this includes at least 5000 distinct people in over 72 countries.secondly the cultures so,we have a wide cultures in the indigenous people,some of them,still maintenance the old culture from generation to another generations,the cultures is really unique,mystery and beautiful.Some of them still behaviors and belief characteristic a particular social,ethnic or age group.finally,the common concerns a diverse range of concerns associated with their status and interaction with others cultural group,in their inhabited environment,but some of the indigenous people still inhabited the out from modern era,still practised cultures traditional and a need improving some place,as basic the human rights,the issues includes from aspect cultural and linguistics preservation,land right,ownership and exploitation of natural resources,political determination and autonomy,environment degradation,healthy and discrimination.
indigenous rights,issues and concerns is still plays in our question as in the societies,them have right for gets everything as normal people ,these concerns will be often be commonly held or affect other societies also and are not necessarily experienced uniquely by indigenous people.Some of them share common problems and issues which face by their of groups,the cultures of indigenous peoples suffer which discrimination and pressure to assimilate in their surroundings societies.The issues commonly includes aspect from eduction,economic development,healthy ,food or nutrients and others .Some of group,have seriously problem epically eduction ,just half which have ability as money can be get to schools,we can references as South Africa is some of their children cannot ability go to school the reasonable is problem from money,so where the children to do if not go to school? among that only just playing around in the home,working to help their family ,this is not right really ,their need eduction to progress their group .
International days of the world's indigenous people .you know about it?Do ,you still celebrate together to support it????....This question for you all in the modern societies ,let"s me introduce about it the International Days of the world's Indigenous People is fall s on August 9 AS This was the data first meeting in 1982 of the united National Working Group Of Indigenous Population the purpose to prevention of discrimination and protection of minorities of the commission on human rights.So,as the human which responsible and take care let's Together to support and known about it ,their a need we all to changed their living to more comfortable and a small progress.but NOT CARELESS THEM,PRESERVED AND RESPECT THEIR AS HUMANS,NOT DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!........

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Politics is not only about the politicians keep talking about the votes or whatever related to it.It about major issues that happen in our surrounding,related to humanity and society.We can talk on every single matter such as increasing of price sugar and production sugar is getting less in our country,the voting in Permatang Pasir in Penang,and we also can talk about what government did to prevent the world 'silent killer',H1N1.It is interesting story to talk about.But now,what i would like to talk is the major politics issues that happen almost every single day,non-stop,and keep happening in our world.

Before i will start,firstly,do forgive me if you find this information offensive.It is pretty controversial but i have seen people here especially among my friends quite like to debate so thought i would like to post this topic and see what it takes you......

Homosexual is now a widespread topic for discussion among common people.It has become a very big part of today's society.Unfortunately,many families disown their own child just because they are homosexual.Most of this happen because they are afraid and do not have enough information.Sometimes one parent will be all right with their child's choice for being gay or lesbian while the other cannot accept it.

Being a homosexual is not easy way to go in today's society,it always comes with the hardships.Even it has been discussed and talked about almost everywhere we go,there is always discrimination.In the work place,school,restaurant,and so on.If we saw a gay or a lesbian couple hand in hand crossing the road,our thought could be sickening because we are one of the people who dislikes the idea of homosexuality.It seem that everyday is perfectly ordinary day to anyone else,could become a very large hassle and fear to a homosexual person.What some people just do not understand is that,at some point in most homosexual person lives,they are struggle with the idea of being different and the worst is,we do not even knew that.

For my opinion,i disagree,greatly,by hiding the homosexual influence society and saying that homosexual themselves should be hidden,and do not have the right to be in the open.I have friends that being a gay and a lesbian,and i totally accepted them with my open heart.What more can i say,they are my best friends and we have our activities lively like anyone would do in friendship.As for me,we do not have the right to judge them with our own view by discriminating them as not being a 'normal' or 'straight'.What people need to understand is,homosexual cannot be proven scientifically,it is merely a psychological phenomenon.

Anyways,i simply have a small wish.I wish that all of us will start to perceive people with love,instead of prejudice and discriminate.Let us believe that they are exactly the same human being as us.They breathe,they eat,they sleep,they feel,and they love like us.Of course,there might be differences.It could be.It could be sex.It could be religion.DO NOT HATE THEM,APPRECIATE THEM....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

the importance of digtial media?

what is digital media? is a medium in sense we using it here,is a system for communicating information from one human to antoher depends space or time,the means of medium is media,the hand written word,as television,and the Internet are all media.furthermore,digital media also refers to a new academic area which studies the tools and the content of computer mediated has media[dm] many things in common and,many overlapping interests with several existing academic disciplines,including as communication,computer arts,computer science,digital music,films and etc.the two keys experiences of a digital media eduction of at UCSF consist of becoming an expert in some specific area and then applying your expertise along aside student s and faculty with other skills.
what is it important???...
of course,for students,one very good reason is "they pay good money to folks who knows this stuff"it means quarrel with that motivating factor.however,we owe our grandchildren and our planet a debt that cannot be paid with money.i believe that humankind is entering the most dangerous period in history.
political system,economics,science are all struggling to understand where we"re headed. i am convinced that using logic alone,we will never solve the problems as fast as they arise.the human mind ,however,is much more than a logical thinking.

the arts and humanities are where logical and intuition be part of great solution to help humankind achieve a sustainable future absolutely requires that insight and wisdom that poets have,that dancers have,that musicians and artists have.

our strategy is to do project together as artists,humanists,technologists and"s not easy.we get on each other"s nerves.we sometimes fail and we sometimes get mad at one antoher.but we believe that the projects make us all wiser,and make our students into better people and better it happens,gite a lot of people and companies are willing to pays us to do projects and so it also helps the university do its jobs.

our digital media program concentrates its effort on providing interesting and useful projects,and on pairing up students with appropriate mentors from the faculty and industry.

if you find yourself working on these projects as a student,faculty member on industrial partner,please remember that more is at stake here than just making a good product.we have a planet to save and we aren"t nearly smart enough yet!..

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Communication is about transfering the information from the device such as television,cellphone,radio and internet.

In the other meanings,communication is the some of device that the most quietly important for us to manage our daily activities due to our schedule.It also give an important role to communicate with people that surround us.

For example,the divice for communicate is like face to face communication.As we can see,the body language 55% of impact is determined by body language, postures,gastures and eye contact.38% by the tone of voice.7% by the content or word.

In other example,Visual communication also can be considered as communication of digital ways.Such as television and video.It can give alot of information in transfer.

So, the outcomes for the communication is, we can do interpersonal, interpersonalprocessing,listening,observing,speaking,Questioning,Analysing and Evaluating.