Sunday, October 11, 2009


Orator shall be not merely a skilled speaker, but the person who has the art of speaking; mean by the way the orator form a certain style through the word voice and arrangement bringing in humor and charm to attract the audience, deliver the speech with control-using gesture, playing and expressing with features, and changing the intonation of his voice. Anyone who can speak with knowledge upon a subject that he or she will talk about, can be called an orator but to be a great orator like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi, that is the question. How? To be a great orator that have the skills I have mention about, it might takes some time, even years.

The main purpose I’m here not to talk on how to be a great orator but the problem that faced by most of the orator, even the best orator; since this week most of my friends include me will have oral presentation, so I would like to focus on this topic-stage fright. I guess all of us place stage fright right on top of concern list. Actually what it does mean? Stage fright refers to a kind of anxiety where an individual is anxious to give speech in front of audience. It is not kind of diseases but a phenomenon that present among many people worldwide. People with this anxiety will not like to present themselves in public. They have extreme hatred for public appearance, rather die than go up to the stage and speak; this is what my lecturer said.

I used to have this problem before and still but now I’m able to control it by applying some special tips that I’ve been practice since I was in primary school. Now I will reveal my secret on how I faced my stage fright and hoping that it may help you in the future. First thing I do when I’m on stage or in front of the audience; I will imagine all of them are idiot or simple word-useless, it does help me and improve my performance and I recall, I was so confident on that moment. It might be sound weird but that is how I collect my whole confident and the result, amazing. Not to worry on how audiences judge you, think positive and be yourself. Sometimes we got wrapped up with the performance that we forgot what we want to achieve. Fear will come but think positive that you be able to push that feelings away as far as you could. Imagine that audience liking you and when the time comes, up you go, confidently take your place. Again, take time to bring yourself into line. Breathe, breathe, breathe and give the best shot you have.

So, that is the simple tips and it works for me. I may not the greatest orator in a world but I do have common to be in the line with them, self-confident. I believe that stage fright is something we can solve with, so do not feel upset if you too facing this problem.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mega City

Mega city are usually known as bigger city with population of more than million people per area.This include of how their life in some of mega cities due to the good condition of environtment that are mostly include of what there need in their life.Megacities can be distinguished from global cities by their rapid growth.

The word of "Megalopolis" also are the example of same meanings of Megacities.The largest megacities in world now is Tokyo of Japan.This becouse,the city in tokyo more modern and include in the city with population of 34,670,000.This value of counting can give a bombastic thinking of how big and crowded of that cities.This list of the thing that are the lead of urbanisation of some city and nation.

The megacities are judge not by the only see of their crowded of the city,but also judge by the economical process in the area.Their judge by how the economical process do and done by the people.In another,the standard of point of view also be look on how rapid the process of groth and born of people in an area.All countries are in the way of going to be the megacities.

As the result, all of this thing are mixed together to be a greates view of the world on how their oppinion to the some place to be the greatest Megacities of world.